Monday Night Football
MNF Session Dates

updated – 24/04/24

We are pleased to announce that Monday Night Football is BACK and its had a revamp!

The primary change is a focus on skills and drills over a 5 week period and one session per week. See the session schedule below!

Sessions will:

  • Roll block by block – See session date info below
  • Note – Even if a block has started you can still attend and pay midway through – Contact via the email address below.
  • Run during school term time inc half-term.
  • Consist of up to a max of 14 players per session
  • Be dedicated sessions for boys only, girls only or adults only
  • Take place on 3G pitches, so appropriate footwear to be worn

Please email if you have any questions or queries

The Sessions

Week 1

Shooting Practice

Week 2

Passing Drills

Week 3

Ball Mastery

Week 4

1v1s, 2v2s, 3v3s

Week 5

Mini Tournament and fun games


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